Ramblings On Realbasic Ebook Readers Average ratng: 5,9/10 7860 votes

I like gadgets, and I like the idea of an ebook reader, but only from a gadgety standpoint, not as a means of reading books.

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I’ve built two collections of books in my time. Currently I have around 2,000 – worth upwards of £15,000.

I’ve also, over the years, lost, given away or left behind an unknown quantity – let’s say another 1,500. I’ve also read an unknown number of library books – I had my first library card at 5, and an adult library card at 11 – I’ve no idea how many books that represents over the past 60 years, but it must run into several thousand more.

So, as a possibly conservative estimate, let’s say I’ve read 8,500 books – that’s a book every 3 days or so. Yep, sounds about right.

So at my age, building a library on an ebook reader is a tiny bit futile. I wouldn’t anyway – soulless bloody things – because I love books; I always have. It’s that simple.

But let’s say I’m not me, I’m 12, bookish enough, maybe, to have a longing for books, malleable enough to be receptive of new media and somebody buys me an ebook reader. How cool is that?

I know that with a little care, I can buy a couple of proper books a week out of my pocket money (on the second-hand market), so, hey, how much can an ebook be? It’s just stream of electrons after all. No printing, storage or transport costs, right? Download new mclaren 675lt blue wallpaper for mac free.

So why, apart from the out of copyright stuff, do ebooks – as my fictional alter-ego discovers to his horror, cost pretty much the same as the paper versions? More, in fact, as you can’t buy a second-hand ebook – or can you? I’ve not seen any, but it’s early days yet.

And that’s why, I believe, apart from with the incorrigibly geeky who’ll adopt anything just because it’s new and shiny (q.v. the crappy iPad), it will be a long time before eBooks become mainstream.

True, authors still want their royalties – and I really have no idea how much per book that might be – and publishers and retailers their profits, but there is no justification at all for pricing at the same level as hard copies. It’s not like real books, where a book-store will buy maybe 100 copies on spec, for an operation the size of Amazon, 10 or 20 for a high-street privateer (if you can find one), and they sit around taking up expensive space and capital until they’re sold or remaindered.

With ebooks (as with all downloads), the original remains on the sellers’ servers, and a copy is fired down the line – the original stock level changes by not one iota. (And I do hope ebook quality is better than music downloads (iTunes uses mp4, mysteriously, Amazon mp3, and the quality of both is variable).

But I digress – a book has a certain intrinsic value, made up of the costs of the printing and binding, transport and storage, advertising – plus royalties and profits.

An ebook has none of the first 5 because it has no physical existence, and the paper version has taken care of the advertising. Even the cost of digitising the thing is minimal – it already exists in the computers of the printer and publisher, probably in several formats – converting to, say, ePub format, is pretty simple.

Why then, right now, is an ebook pretty much the same cost as its printed (paperback), counterpart? And I mean books currently available. not some of the out-of-print or copyright stuff that’s available for buttons.

See this post on the subject.

Welcome to the REALbasic community maintained manual for beginning and intermediate users of the REALbasic computer programming language.

Our Purpose[edit]


This project is not an effort to recreate existing REALbasic documentation. Instead, our goal is create materials that can be used to teach programming skills using REALbasic. We want contributors to assume the readers of these pages are new not only to REALbasic, but to programming in general. Our goal is a complete beginners' guide to programming, not a guide to advanced techniques in REALbasic.

Teachers and students are our primary audience. A secondary audience would be those individuals wanting to learn programming independently using REALbasic.

Book Contents[edit]

  1. Introduction - Why REALbasic is an ideal tool for learning computer programming skills.
    1. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  2. Language
    1. Data Types
  3. Programming
    1. Working with Files
    2. Working with Multimedia
    3. Working with Network Protocols
    4. OS-Specific Features
  4. Tutorials
  5. Appendices
  6. Print Version of Wikibook (to be prepared once content exists)

To contribute to this project, please adhere to the standard book structure. We will also develop a Style Guide for this specific manual. It is key that all conventions be followed to ensure the print output generation functions properly.

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