Sekian pembahasan mengenai kumpulan lirik dan kunci gitar (chord) lagu iwan fals album terbaik dan terpopuler yang mudah dimainkan dengan gitar akustik, elektrik maupuk ukulele. Semoga kunci kunci gitar (chord) iwan fals tadi bisa dimainkan dengan mudah dengan suara yang cocok dengan kamu.
The slash chords (a.k.a. split chords) are named so because of the slash symbol in the chord name. For example C/D is a C chord with a D as the bass note. Therefore, it includes the notes D, C, E and G as opposed to a regular C chord including C, E and G.
The slash chords are related to inverted chords, but can also have a bass note that doesn’t belong to the original chord.
Let’s say you’re playing in a band; in this case you will probably stick to the ordinary C chord as the bassist will take care of the bass note D. But playing on your own you will instead include all the four notes on your guitar. It isn’t strictly necessary in the way that your music will be completely awkward just playing the regular C chord, but you will discover that there’re many possibilities to elaborate a song with slash chords (see suggestions of progressions further below).
The pictures above show some of the most useful chords with alternative bass notes. But there is more, and some are listed here in annotated form:
C/F: XX3010 / 1X201X
Cm/A: X010103
D/E: 000232
D(no5)/E: XX2032
D(no5)/F: XX3032
D/C#: X40232
Dmaj7/E: 000222
E/D (E7/D): XX0100
E/A: X0645X
Em/C (Cmaj7): X32000
Em/D#: XX1000
Em/F: 122000
Em/A: X02000
F/D: XX0211
F/E: XX2211
F/G: 3X321X / 3X3221
G/A: X00003
G/C: X30003
G/F#: XX4433
A/D: XX0220
A/F#: 202220
Bsus2/E: 024422
Bm(add4)/A: X04430
See also: power chords with alternative bass note.
It is possible to play all combinations in the area of chords with alternative bass notes. However, in some cases it doesn't work very well because of the instrument. In some cases, other better possibilities can be found by using alternate tunings.
Slash chords are often used to make smooth progressions between chords. Instead of change directly from a C to an Am the slash chord C/B can be put in between. This works well because the note B is flanked by A and C in the relevant musical scale. Here follows examples of the usability of slash chords in progressions:
C – C/B – Am
Another approach on the same theme is to insert a G/F# chord between G and Em. F# (F sharp) is positioned between G and E in the scale of G major.
G – G/F# – Em
A third example show a way to alternate the E - A progression:
E – E/D# – A
The following progression creates a descending bass line (Am/G can be easier to play as 302010):
Am – Am/G – D/F#
A slight nuance can be created by Em/D placed between Em and Cmaj7:
Em – Em/D – Cmaj7
Without being very common F/E could be used as an in-between chord by the same principles as the sequences above. (Instead for F - F/E it is also possible and quite easier to play Fmaj7 - Fma7/E.)
F – F/E – Dm
In the same fashion as some of the examples above, but using two slash chords is also an alternative in some occasions. Scroll up to see diagrams.
The slash chord D/C# can be played by baring the three lowest string with one finger to be able to reach up to the C# on the fourth fret on the fifth string.
D – D/C# – Bm – Bm/A – G
Am – Am/G – Am/F# – F
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This is a nice sequence and you can to play to strum the block chords or just the bass strings in the Am/G, Am/F# movement, or something in between. The following two progressions have many similarities:
A – A/G – A/F# – E
E – A/F# – A/G# – A
For the above sequence you need to play the A chord with only the index fingers or use the thumb for the bass strings.
D – D/C – D/B – D/A
Dm – Dm/C – Dm/B – Dm/A
The similarities with the two progressions above are obvious. Both will sound nice, and especially with different finger picking patterns.
A similar example:
D – D/C# – D/B
Em/B – Em/D – C
E – E/B – E/C – E/C#
Two sequences with E minor and major respectively. Yes, it is true that C cannot be found in the E major scale, but it will still work as a chromatic bass walk.
Bm7 – Bm7/F# – Em
Another progression, why stop? This includes a minor seventh, and of course, you could elaborate almost endlessly with alternative bass note in several chord categories.
G – G/F# – C/E – Am/E – Am/F# – G
The progression above includes both slash chords in forms of inverted triads and with alternative bass notes. They create ascending and descending bass lines.
Although, it is not always that shifting to another chord via a slash chord works that well. Sometimes there are no perfect changes. Like C/D#, which on piano had been suitable between C and D, but there is no chord shape on the guitar that makes the transition smooth, and the bigger the changes are in finger positions, the less likely for the progression to sound great.
For example, is the Eagles song 'Hotel California' consisting of a longer sequence with this chord type:
Am/C – E/B – G/B – D/A – F/A – C/G – Dm/A – E/G# ('Hotel California' by Eagles)
It's not unusual that slash chords, especially with four notes or more, coincide with expanded chords. For example, Cmaj7/D and Fmaj7/G can be played with the same shape as D13sus and G13sus, respectively.
More examples:
Dm7/G = G11
D/B = Bm7
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If you’re playing in a band; in this case you probably will stick to the ordinary chord as the bassist will take care of the bass note. But when playing on your own you will play all the four notes on your guitar. It isn’t strictly necessary in the way that your music will be completely awkward just playing the regular C chord, but as you probably discovered by now there’re many possibilities to elaborate a progression/song with slash chords.
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Gambar kunci gitar lengkap untuk pemula siap print. Kalau kamu adalah gitaris pemula, maka kamu harus banyak banyak berlatih menghafalkan banyak sekali kunci gitar agar kamu siap bermain banyak lagu yang tentunya membutuhakan penguasaan kunci gitar. Nah, biasanya kamu butuh panduan yang bisa kamu cetak atau print yang bisa kamu bawa bawa kemana mana. File kunci gitar ini berupa gambar, jadi setelah diprint, bisa kamu lipat lalu taruh di dompet kamu atau kamu tempel di tembok kamar kamu untuk kamu lihat sewaktu waktu untuk kamu belajar. Adobe flash and mac osx. Outlook for mac not receiving emails error 3253.