Debt Policy Ust Inc Pdf Average ratng: 7,1/10 8487 votes
Debt policy at UST inc. Case
To: UST Board of Directors
From: UST Financial analysis team
Date: 18 January 2011
Subject: Future debt policy at UST and recapitalization option
1. Analysis of UST business current and future environment
UST operates in the smokeless Tobacco industry, a market with 2 B$ of revenues, which grew at a CAGR of 3.7% over the past 17 years, but more recently experienced a decrease in growth rate, dropping to 2.9% in 1997 and 1.2% in 1998. In this market, UST has a very dominant yet decreasing market position, with an actual market share of 77.2% in 1998 falling from 86.2% in 1991. Since the market has been growing faster than the firm’s decline in market share, net sales of UST have been growing from
Debt Policy Ust Inc Pdf

View Lab Report - Debt Policy at UST - Final PPT.pptx from FINE 443 at McGill University. Debt Policy at UST Inc. Richard Axa Chike Odenigbo Fatima Zahrae. A, B, C, D, E, F. 2, UST 1994 pro-forma. 4, Debt levels, 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%. 5, Income/CF statement. 6, Operating Income, $ 660.00, $ 660.00.

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Those uses and sources of funds are summarized in table 2.2. The other sources or uses of cash are change in working capital, which is either a source or a use and capital expenditure which is a source but is low. M$ 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Sources of funds Net income 266 313 348 388 430 464 444 468 Emission of debt 0 0 40 85 75 50 -140 -10 Use of funds Dividends paid 140 168 200 226 252 277 298 301 Share repurchases 184 213 237 299 275 238 45.7 152
Table 2.2: Sources and uses of fund for UST from 1991 to 1998
If we look at the current capital structure, we see that although total debt on book value of capitalization has increased from 8.0% in 1993 to 40.6% in 1996 and down again at 17.6% in 1998, the ratio of total debt to market value of equity is fairly small, from 0.7% in 1993, up to 4.1% in 1996 and down again to 1.5% in 1998. This low amount of 100 M$ means that UST does not need a large share of its free operating cash flow (between 20 to 30%) or to emit a lot of equity to reimburse this size of debt even in one year. Therefore, we could put forward the hypothesis that an higher leverage ratio would be more suitable to benefit from the tax shied without having a cost of financial distress.
Now, if we look at the main reasons of this capital structure, we see that UST has a very

By: Yan • Research Paper • 629 Words • March 27, 2010 • 3,406 Views


Debt Policy at Ust

Debt Policy at UST Inc.

1. What are the primary business risks associated with UST Inc.? What are the attributes of UST Inc.?

Evaluate from the viewpoint of a bondholder. (Your answer should be more qualitative than


The following factors weave into the risks and attributes of the company from the creditors’

point of view:

A. UST had seven pending health related lawsuits at the end of 1998. The outcomes of

these suits are uncertain. Despite the major Medicaid state settlements, lawmakers

are expected to continue to push for new laws to combat youth tobacco use. Other

litigation against tobacco companies is expected to continue, especially suits filed by

individuals. Express scribe 5.63 keygen. This uncertain litigation and legislative environment makes the future

cash flows of UST risky

B. UST is a dominant player and market leader and its strategy is to combat entrants by

launching similar products, rather than cutting prices. But the recent market erosion

by small companies has raised concerns. And UST’s “counter attack” has not been

effective in competing against price-value brands. The resignation of his CFO and

President of tobacco unit further raise the uncertainty of the company’s efficiency of

solving the market erosion problem.

C. The previous uncertainty is enhanced by a lawsuit that alleged that UST had violated

antitrust and advertising laws and participated in anti-competitive conduct. Should

UST lost the suite, it will be more vulnerable with competitors.

D. Although the current scientific research that ties tobacco to cancer is not conclusive,

it’s uncertain that future research result will jeopardize the tobacco industry.

E. There is a chance of a cultural shift against tobacco, and UST is unlikely to expand

to international market.

2. Why is UST Inc. considering a leveraged recapitalization after such a long history of conservative

debt policy? (Your answer should be more qualitative than quantitative!)

A. UST wants to increase the firm value by enjoying the huge tax shield provided by

more leverage. Previously, they were too concerned about the default risk thus

adopting a conservative capital structure strategy. Now they want to be more

aggressively levered since the chance of bankruptcy is rather low.

B. Presumably, the company managers are also shareholders. The recapitalization helps

to decrease the total shares outstanding, thus increases the relative percentage owning

of the remaining shareholders. Consequently, the insiders will have more weights on

the voting of the major policies of the company. Since the value players form

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